
Blackjack Tips

Things every advantage blackjack player needs to know:
- Blackjack is a game of skill. You may think you already knew this, but think it over again, it can't hurt. One of the best blackjack tips ever written, is this equation to skill.
- The object of the game of blackjack is to beat the dealer. Far too many times have I seen a set of blackjack tips which state that the object of the game is to get close to 21.
- Although you can bring the edge to a low level in blackjack, in it's modern form, even as a card counter, the game is not possible to beat consistently. This may be the most important of all the blackjack tips to keep in mind, you can't always win.
- It is entirely possible to play with basic strategy and work the house edge down to under 0.5%.
- Basic strategy is the most advanced strategy you can get. Deviating from basic strategy will cost you money, plain and simple.
- If you play blackjack on gut, and pay little attention to basic strategy (or these blackjack tips), you will most likely be facing a house edge somewhere between 2 and 3%.
- Never take insurance.
- It is always better to play against fewer decks, unless the rest of the rules have been altered unfairly.
Got any more simple blackjack tips? E-mail Me and I may add them.

�Copyright Ted Knuden 2025.

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